Raspberry Pi is an amazing devise in credit card size that can replace even CPU of your computer hence you can use Raspberry Pi as a personal computer!!! The Raspbian OS comes with Web browser, pdf viewer, Python games etc. You can download necessary application softwares from Raspberry Pi store. You can connect connect display, mouse, keyboard etc. with your Raspberry Pi. In the figure shown below showing connecting USB keyboard to your Raspberry Pi. Inserting the USB Keyboard Connecting a display The Raspberry Pi can be connected by HDMI or composite video directly. With the use of an adapter you can connect it by DVI or VGA. You should use HDMI or DVI whenever possible because they give a better picture. Look at the sockets on your display to determine how to connect your Raspberry Pi. Connecting via HDMI If your display has an HDMI input, as shown below, then connect your Pi with an HDMI-HDMI cable. This is the only type of video connection that can also be used...