At this writing, the best estimate anyone can seem to make of the size of the Python user base is that there are roughly more than 1 million Python users around the world today. This estimate is based on various statistics, like download rates, web statistics, and developer surveys. Because Python is open source, a more exact count is difficult—there are no license registrations to tally. Moreover, Python is automatically included with Linux distributions, Macintosh computers, and a wide range of products and hardware, further clouding the user-base picture. In general, though, Python enjoys a large user base and a very active developer community. It is generally considered to be in the top 5 or top 10 most widely used programming languages in the world today (its exact ranking varies per source and date). Because Python has been around for over two decades and has been widely used, it is also very stable and robust. Besides being leveraged by individual users, Python is also bein...